Please visit the I-205 Managed Lanes Virtual Open House

Self Guided Virtual Open House |
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The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), in cooperation with the San Joaquin Council of Governments (SJCOG), will prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR)/Environmental Assessment (EA) for the I-205 Managed Lanes Project. This project proposes to install managed lanes on I-205 between I-5 and I-580 and could include interchange improvements and transit hubs. Four alternatives and the no-build alternative are being considered.

Caltrans and SCJOG are seeking input on the scope and content of the environmental document in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act. The meeting will include a presentation and information about the project, and there will be an opportunity to speak to the project team. If you have any questions about the project or meeting, please contact Scott Guidi, Caltrans Branch Chief, at (209) 479-1839 or by email to

You can send comments by email to, or by mail to Scott Guidi, Caltrans, District 10, 1976 East Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Stockton, CA 95205.

Project Overview

The San Joaquin Council of Governments (SJCOG) and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), District 4 and District 10 are developing the I-205 Managed Lanes project to address increased commute times and corridor congestion on I-205 from I-5, through the City of Tracy, to the Alameda/San Joaquin County border.

Managed lanes have been successfully used to reduce congestion and increase travel time reliability by controlling the way traffic moves on the highway. Dedicated lanes allocated for cars with two or more people (High-Occupancy Vehicle, or HOV), like carpools and buses, and qualifying clean air vehicles are one way lane management can help keep traffic flowing. Another example of lane management is to charge a fee or toll to solo drivers who choose to use the dedicated lane which helps pay for maintenance and construction of the lanes and other transportation investments, including transit.

The project also aims to address increased use of the corridor as an intercity and interstate truck and freight route and the increased need for alternative modes of transportation (such as buses, vanpools, and rideshares) between San Joaquin County and the San Francisco Bay Area. Also under consideration are options that reserve the center median for various types of transit (bus and/or rail), as well as potential locations for stations and connections to bicycle and pedestrian facilities, park and ride lots, and other transit systems.

Projects of this scale have several phases and can take multiple years to complete.

  • Caltrans and SJCOG completed a project initiation document (called Project Study Report-Project Development Support (PSR-PDS) Report) in 2017 that examined widening I-205 to include HOV lanes between the Alameda County Line and I-5. This report was the first step in the Caltrans project delivery approval process.
  • In Fall 2021, Caltrans and SJCOG held a formal environmental scoping meeting and virtual open house (which can be viewed here) to begin the environmental phase of the project which will evaluate alternative designs to best integrate other on-going projects, incorporate new technologies, and explore station/transportation options and hub locations.
  • In 2022, with Caltrans input and direction, SJCOG prepared a Supplemental PSR-PDS for the inclusion of additional alternatives that align with the project’s goals.

The current phase of the project will develop and evaluate project design alternatives and complete the required environmental review as part of the Project Approval and Environmental Document (PA&ED) phase.
As part of this process, public and stakeholder input will be sought to help shape the design of the corridor. The outcome will be a project that addresses the need for improved travel and goods movement through this critical gateway between the Central Valley and San Francisco Bay Area.

Vicinity Map
Click for larger view
Project Goals

The overarching goal for SJCOG is to improve local, regional, and interregional circulation for all modes of travel between the Central Valley and the San Francisco Bay Area. The proposed project has the following primary purposes:

  • Improve travel times
  • Improve regional mobility and freight movement
  • Increase person throughput
  • Increase use of carpooling, transit, ridesharing
  • Accommodate and facilitate regional multi-modal transportation development
  • Improve safety
  • Improve air quality

The project is needed to address the following concerns:

  • Increased commute times and delays on I-205
  • Increased use of I-205 as an intercity and interstate truck or freight route
  • Increasing need for alternative modes of transportation between San Joaquin County and the San Francisco Bay Area
Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of the I-205 Managed Lanes Project?

Answer: The San Joaquin Council of Governments (SJCOG) and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), District 4 and District 10 are developing the I-205 Managed Lanes project to address increased commute times and corridor congestion on I-205 from I-5, through the City of Tracy, to the Alameda/San Joaquin County border. The project also aims to address the increased use of the corridor as an intercity and interstate truck and freight route and the increased need for alternative modes of transportation between San Joaquin County and the San Francisco Bay Area.

What are "Managed Lanes"?

Answer: Managed lanes have been successfully used to reduce congestion and increase travel time reliability by controlling the way traffic moves on the highway. Dedicated lanes allocated for cars with two or more people (High-Occupancy Vehicle, or HOV), like carpools and buses, and qualifying clean air vehicles are one way lane management helps keep traffic flowing. Another example of lane management is to charge a fee or toll to solo drivers who choose to use the dedicated lane which helps pay for maintenance and construction of the lanes and other transit investments.

What previous work has been completed for the Project?

Answer: A Project Study Report-Project Development Support (PSR-PDS) Report was prepared in 2017 that examined widening I-205 to include High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes between the Alameda County Line and I-5. It included surveys of the project area, engineering studies, preliminary project design alternatives, project cost estimates, and defined the work and resources needed to complete the next phases of the project. In 2022, a Supplemental PSR-PDS was prepared and approved for the inclusion of additional alternatives that align with the project’s goals. Both reports followed the Caltrans Project Development Procedures Manual and were approved by Caltrans for the project to advance into the PA&ED phase.

Additionally, in 2019, SJCOG dedicated a portion of its SB1 formula-based planning funds to complete a Congested Corridor Plan in partnership with Caltrans and local agencies. This plan included the I-205 corridor, as well as the larger connected corridors of I-5, SR 120, and SR 99. This plan was completed to combine several previous planning efforts and to make future projects eligible for funding from the Solutions for Congested Corridors Program. The final plan can be viewed here: Congested Corridor Plan

Who is completing this phase of the project?

Answer: Caltrans is the lead agency for the project, responsible for carrying out the project and preparing environmental documents; SJCOG is the project sponsor, or agency seeking approval for the project. However, the project is being coordinated with many agencies, including Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC), the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission (SJRRC), San Joaquin County, the City of Tracy, the Regional Transit District (RTD), and the Tri-Valley-San Joaquin Valley Regional Rail Authority. The project is being supported by Kimley-Horn (planning and engineering consultant firm) and includes a team of sub-consultants that provide extensive specialized experience.

Where is the project located and what are its boundaries?

Answer: The project included both sides of I-205 through San Joaquin County and the City of Tracy from I-5 to the San Joaquin/Alameda County border. The project corridor falls within the jurisdictions of Caltrans District 10 in San Joaquin County and District 4 in Alameda County.

What types of design features are being considered?

Answer: Besides the original design concepts for a widening and addition of a High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane, this phase of the project will also consider “managed lanes” that provide tolling options. Also under consideration are options that preserve the median corridor for various types of transit (bus and/or rail), as well as potential locations for stations and connections to bicycle/pedestrian facilities, park and ride lots, and other transit systems.

Will the project require environmental clearance under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)?

Answer: Yes; one of the deliverables from this phase of the project is an Environmental Impact Report (EIR).

How long will the Environmental Impact Study take to complete?

Answer: Projects of this scale take multiple years to complete. The Environment Impact Study is expected to be completed and certified in Winter 2026. An anticipated project timeline is show below.


How can I participate in the I-205 Managed Lanes Project?

Answer: There are several ways to get involved on this project. The outreach effort will include public meetings and hearings that are part of the development and approval of the environmental review process. For example, in 2021, the project team held a formal Notice of Preparation (NOP) scoping meeting to kick-off the environmental document. This virtual open house can be viewed at:

Virtual Open House

As meetings are planned, opportunities to participate will be advertised on the project website, SJCOG’s website, by email and through various social media channels (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, NextDoor, and Instagram). This will enable community members to help inform decision making through a variety of ways.

Who can I contact for more information?

For further information please contact:

Yvette Davis, Communication Manager

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